Want to know more about... SRI Education used Evidence-Centered Design to develop the assessments for the Exploring Computer Science curriculum?
- Assessment Design Patterns for Computational Thinking Practices in Exploring Computer Science.
We present an overview of the computational thinking domain in the context of the ECS curriculum, summarize the approach used to develop the design patterns for the first four ECS units, and present an example assessment task measuring computational thinking practices with accompanying illustrations of how CT design pattern attributes were applied to develop the task. SRI Education analyzed and modeled the computational thinking domain for assessment design and development?
...the ECS Curriculum?
- Exploring Computer Science website.
Exploring Computer Science is a K-12/University partnership dedicated to increasing equity and access to quality computer science learning in public high schools, and our partner in assessment development.
- ECS Curriculum Alignment. Access mappings between ECS learning objectives and selected national and state standards developed by SRI Education for use by teachers, school and district leaders, and policymakers.