Exploring Computer Science Assessment - Terms of Use & Licensing

Intended Use

The Exploring Computer Science unit and cumulative assessments (ECS Assessments) are designed to provide ECS teachers with reliable and valid estimates of the proficiency of individual students in the skills related to the learning goals of the ECS curriculum. Teachers can use the assessment results to inform students' unit or overall course grades.

Alternate Uses

Some users may wish to use ECS Assessments to estimate the proficiency of particular groups through the conduct of research and evaluation studies. The extent to which the results from the ECS Assessments provide reliable estimates of the proficiency of particular groups will depend on a range of factors including the sample design and selection, the level and pattern of non-response and the level of standardization of the testing situation. It is the responsibility of users to ensure that good research practice is followed in the design, implementation and reporting of any research based on the use of the ECS Assessments.


Users should acknowledge in any publications that report results from studies using the tool that the ECS Assessments are a product of SRI Education and that their development has been supported by the National Science Foundation. Users should not claim or imply that SRI Education endorses the findings and conclusions in any way or that SRI Education is the source of these results.

Licensing Details

The ECS Assessments are licensed for use under the following terms:

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